Rebecca Rewald

Rebecca Rewald


Rebecca fell in love with Pilates after taking her first reformer class in 2018. At that time, she was working full-time and in graduate school part-time, and needed to find a physical activity that helped her correct the damage the long hours sitting in front of her computer screen was doing to her body. She loved that she started to feel stronger and more flexible after just a few weeks of classes and quickly saw the impact Pilates was having on her movement and posture. She earned her certification at VIDA in order to gain a deeper understanding of the practice, while also to help others discover the benefits of Pilates for themselves. She’s interested in creating spaces where everyone—regardless of their economic class, race, body size, gender, etc.— is welcome to practice Pilates. When she’s not teaching or practicing Pilates, Rebecca works as a Policy Advisor for a nonprofit.